When upgrading to  Windows 10, the error "Unable to Download Error Retrieving License  License Server Communication Error: E_ADEPT_DOCUMENT_OPEN_ERROR" may  occur with ADE.        

The error occurs when the Read / Write permissions for the ../My Digital  Editions directory were not set correctly when upgrading to Windows 10. When  logging in with the (newly created) Microsoft account instead of a local user  account, access is no longer available.                

The logged in user must have read and write access to the ../My Digital  Editions directory.                


  1. Manually restore permissions for the locally logged-in user to the ../My  Digital Editions directory.     

  2. Uninstall and then reinstall ADE. Use the user you will use in the  future.                

In the opposite case, if the Microsoft account should also be granted  access to the directory, use the email address associated with the Microsoft  account as the username.