Our comprehensive API documentation is here. This KB article serves as a primer as to what is possible with the API and where to find the technical documentation for each endpoint.
Utilizing the endpoints in concert, it is possible to integrate EditionGuard fully into your eCommerce and reporting platforms.
book - Create, Read, Update and Delete eBooks from your account.Creating/uploading a new book in EditionGuard, a number of DRM specific options are available. Depending on your use case you can make books expire, such as the case for textbook rentals. Or maybe your book should only be available on a single user's device.Read the settings on an eBook.Update the settings on an eBook.Delete eBooks from your account.
deliver-book-link - Emails the provided address with a download link for the eBook specified by its resource_id.Full name is not required but recommended as it is shown in the e-mail when provided.E-mail is sent through the EditionGuard service it will have minimal branding and the download URL's are rooted in
deliver-book-links - Used when needing to send multiple copies of multiple books in a single call. Each download link is unique and represents a single license of the associated eBook. Emails the provided address with a download link for the eBook specified by its resource_id.Full name is not required but recommended as it is shown in the e-mail when provided.
download - This endpoint returns all eBooks fulfilled through their download link. Differing from transactions as a user may purchase a book, but not download it for a variety of reasons.Useful for determining customer behavior post purchase.Determine if a customer that is requesting a refund has fulfilled the eBook download or not.
obtain-auth-token - Authenticate user by email and password and return auth token. Do not check credentials into source control. Do use environment variables.
transaction - Create a new transaction for a specific eBook called via its resource_id. The response includes the download link for the eBook and whether download instructions should be included or not. If set to false URL is a direct download. Create a transaction with the books resource id and indicate if you want the link to include instruction.Get a list of transactions filtered by a range of criteria.Modify a transaction.Delete a transaction to render a download link unusable. A transaction can only be deleted if the download link attached to is has not been fulfilled.